Yes' Honey

I wanted to express myself. I wanted to be creative and I didnt want to have to worry about somebody bossing me around in the process. You have to struggle no matter where you are to get where you want to be so I'm Like working it honey~Michelle Rodriguez

Luxury is an enticing pleasure,a bastard mirth,which hath honeyin her mouth, gall in her heart, and a sting in her tail.~Francis Quarles

When you hear buzz around the beehive you know there making honey in there~Terrence Howard

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Bee as it may...Get it

No regrets leads to a happy life.I understand that know and wish to elaborate on it.I want to ponder on it some more and then I eill act.I love spare of the moment things and if I dont think about it the crazier.I get.Rawwwwrrrrrrrrr I'm sweet and sexy.Kiss that bitches........voila.....I ran in the rain and lightning today and it was great[spare of the moment epihphany]

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