Yes' Honey

I wanted to express myself. I wanted to be creative and I didnt want to have to worry about somebody bossing me around in the process. You have to struggle no matter where you are to get where you want to be so I'm Like working it honey~Michelle Rodriguez

Luxury is an enticing pleasure,a bastard mirth,which hath honeyin her mouth, gall in her heart, and a sting in her tail.~Francis Quarles

When you hear buzz around the beehive you know there making honey in there~Terrence Howard

Saturday, March 13, 2010

While shopping or trying a new outfit this is what you should keep in mind:

Does this item really look good on me or am I buying it because all my friends are buying it???

Can I not leave with this item/Does it make me happy?

Does my budget allow me to buy this(Money savvy is sexy babe!!)

Does this item make me want to scream?(If not scream worthy then its not wearable!!)

Do I feel good in this?

If you feel good in a outfit everyone doesn't totally agree in then wear it.You will score confidence and be known as the ballsy chick that can wear a crazy but cute outfit.Do it!!!
*Everytime I do I get at least one compliment!!Just the other day I got some on the jeans I totally annihalated!!

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